Imperfect Sky Supporting Dir. Graham Streeter
The Journal Lead Dir. Arsenio Alvarez III
Tied Lead Dir. Carlos Asse
Renegade Lead Dir. Damien Hedgecoth
Right to Silence Lead Dir. William Carter
The Middle-Child Syndrome Lead Dir. Allison Matulich
Worth Supporting Dir. Teressa Bartwell
Solace Lead Dir. Alex Levanen


Broadway Live! Featured Performer Covina Ctr. For Performing Arts
The Odd Couple Renee Covina Ctr. for Performing Arts
Live the Music! Featured Performer Covina Ctr. for Performing Arts
Bad Seed Christine Penmark Covina Valley Playhouse
Ordinary People Beth Jarrett Northview Theatre
For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls Amanda Wingvalley Northview Theatre
Baby with the Bathwater Kate Northview Theatre
Once Upon A Mattress The Queen Northview Theatre
Cabaret Sally Bowles Northview Theatre
Anything Goes Mrs. Harcourt Northview Theatre


Scene Study Adrianna Porcaro, CSA AIA Studios
Audition Technique Sunny Boling, CSA AIA Studios
Networks Intensive Nick Anderson, CSA AIA Studios
Actor’s Master Class Jason Alexander AIA Studios
Commercial Carla Rosati John Sudol Acting Studios
Scene Study Richard Robichaux AIA Studios
Audition Technique Natasha Ward, CSA AIA Studios
Scene Study John Butz Covina Ctr. for Performing Arts
Acting for Stage and Screen Brent Keast Pasadena City College
Cold Reading John Otrin Film Actors’ Studio


Languages: Fluent Spanish
Vocal Range: Alto, Mezzo Soprano
Athletics: running (sprint), yoga, Pilates, figure skating
Plays guitar and piano
U.S. Passport holder